
  • News A profile of the 13 German wine-growing regions 04.07.2024

    The German Wine Institute (DWI) has analysed what particularly distinguishes the 13 German wine-growing regions based on the Destatis vineyard survey for 2023.

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  • News Lively interest in domestic wine at German missions abroad 03.07.2024

    The wine recommendations that the Federal Foreign Office made last year following a DWI call for tenders for the German representations abroad were well received.

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  • News Wines of Germany "Summer of Riesling" launched in Shanghai 03.07.2024

    On June 30, 2024, the historic landmark of Shanghai, The Great World, played host to a grand German wine carnival, marking the commencement of the Wines of Germany China’s major consumer campaign for 2024, "Summer of Riesling".

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  • News Attention for German wines continues to grow 03.07.2024

    An analysis of media monitoring in the first two quarters of 2024 shows that global attention for German wines continues to increase. As an example, four publications in the USA, the most important sales market from a German perspective, are listed below, including the New York Times.

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  • News Wine exports make a positive start to the year 13.06.2024

    The positive trend in export sales for German wines in the past year continued in the first quarter of 2024.

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  • News Wines from German regions with a strong spring performance in Asia 04.06.2024

    With the Riesling & Co. China Roadshow 2024 and the first participations at Prowine Tokyo and Prowine Singapore, the German wine industry successfully presented itself in Asia and set promising impulses for the further development of the Asian wine market.

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  • News Dry wines increasingly popular 22.05.2024

    German wines are becoming drier. According to the German Wine Institute (DWI), based on data from the nationwide quality wine test, over half of all German quality and premium wines (51 per cent) were offered in dry flavours last year.

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  • News New range of wines for the German Embassies abroad 10.05.2024

    The Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the German Wine Institute (DWI) have selected 27 wines and sparkling wines as the new range of recommendations for the 225 German embassies abroad at a tasting in Berlin.

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  • News Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir visits The German Wine Institute 08.05.2024

    On May 7, 2024, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir was a guest at the German Wine Institute (DWI) and the German Wine Academy (DWA) in Bodenheim near Great Wine Capital Mainz. Germany.

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  • News London: Big G Tasting reaches out to UK Wine Scene 03.05.2024

    Buyers, sommeliers, media and wine educators followed the 'Wines of Germany' invitation "The Big G Trade Tasting". Over 100 trade visitors met producers and importers to taste some of the best contemporary wines from the 13 German wine-growing regions.

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  • News Successfully presented: Riesling, Pinot & Co in Warsaw 25.04.2024

    Poland has now grown to become the fourth most important export country for wines from the 13 German wine-growing regions. Good conditions for 32 exhibitors at a table presentation in Warsaw. They met inquisitive importers and trade visitors.

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  • News Cold snap causes frost damage in vineyards 24.04.2024

    After a very warm first half of April, the cold snap hit many wineries in the regions hard.

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  • News Start of the worldwide Riesling Weeks in April 25.03.2024

    From 21 to 28 April 2024, the annual Riesling Weeks organised worldwide by the German Wine Institute (DWI) will start in Singapore.

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  • News First German Pavilion at ProWine Singapore ever 20.03.2024

    From the 23rd to the 26th of April 2024, the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting a representative selection of wines and sparkling wines from the German wine-growing regions at this year's ProWine Singapore.

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  • News ProWein Tokyo Premiere With German Wines 20.03.2024

    More than 30 German wine producers and importers from Germany will be exhibiting at the first ever ProWine Tokyo 2024 in Japan.

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  • News DWI takes positive stock at the end of ProWein 19.03.2024

    This year's ProWein exhibition motto of the German Wine Institute (DWI) „Grapes for the Future“ met with great interest from trade visitors from all over the world and ensured consistently high visitor numbers at the DWI stand.  

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  • News Trends in the German wine market 05.03.2024

    Where do Germans buy their wine and which wines are trending? The German Wine Institute (DWI) provided information on this at the opening press conference of the international wine fair ProWein in Düsseldorf.

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  • News Increasing sales for German wine exporters 05.03.2024

    The positive performance of German wine exports continued in 2023 for the third time in a row.

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  • News Riesling birthday: celebrations worldwide 01.03.2024

    Germany's most important grape variety, Riesling, celebrates its 588th birthday on March 13th 2023. The grape variety was first mentioned in a document on this day in 1435. Activities are planned worldwide under the hashtag #rieslingbirthday.

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  • News Tense situation on the wine market 28.02.2024

    Although the situation on the German wine market improved slightly overall last year compared to 2022, it remains tense.

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  • News DWI presents PIWI collection at ProWein 2024 22.02.2024

    Under the headline "Grapes for the Future", the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting wines made from new, innovative grape varieties, also known as PIWIs, to a broad specialist audience at this year's ProWein.

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  • News Vinexpo 2024: German wines on the road to success in Norway 13.02.2024

    Last year, sales of German wines in Norway developed positively despite intensified competition in all wine categories.

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  • News Record attendance expected at Vinexpo Paris 05.02.2024

    From the 12th to the 14th February 2024, the German Wine Institute (DWI) will be presenting a representative selection of wines and sparkling wines from the German wine-growing regions at this year's Wine Paris & Vinexpo international wine trade fair. The joint booth of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is located in the German Pavilion in Hall 5/2 G 069/09.

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  • News Return of winter enables ice wine harvest in a few areas 19.01.2024

    The return of winter on 8 January with frosty night-time temperatures down to -11° C in some places enabled individual wine producers to harvest again the coveted frozen grapes.

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  • News Declining wine consumption in Germany 16.01.2024

    Last year, wine drinkers in Germany consumed around one bottle less per person than in the previous year.

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  • News Wines selected for Germany's educative wine-box 06.12.2023

    The German Wine Institute (DWI) successfully selected typical wines from all 13 quality wine regions for the so called "Germany Box".

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  • News Turbo-Harvest with Good Quality - Vintage 2023 in the German Winegrowing Regions 29.11.2023

    The 2023 wine harvest varied greatly, both regionally and individually, depending on the variety of grapes and the precipitation.

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  • News New wine market statistics published 23.11.2023

    The new edition of the German wine industry's most comprehensive collection of data is now available. The brochure "German Wine - Statistics 2023/24" illustrates the most important facts and figures from the German and international wine world in a total of 28 tables and charts in German and English.

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  • News German Wine Pavilion unveiled at ProWine Shanghai 2023 23.11.2023

    Strongly supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture BMEL, The German Wine Pavilion joined ProWine Shanghai  with 22 German wineries and import exhibitors, displaying more than 50 brands.

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  • News Wines of Germany - China: Best Educator & Best Importer Awarded 23.11.2023

    This year's Wines of Germany China Award Dinner took place on November 9th at Kerry Hotel Pudong in Shanghai. Friederike Dörfler, Counsellor of Food and Agriculture of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany and Manuela Liebchen, marketing manager of Deutsches Weininstitut and BMEL representative, gathered well over 100 German estate owners, importers, wine educators and media guests, to celebrate the remarkable achievements of German wine in the Chinese market.

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