
  • News Winemaker's mulled wines increasingly popular 20.11.2023

    For some years now, more and more German wine producers have been offering mulled wines from their own production. These mulled wines from winegrowers are now increasingly available at Christmas markets and in food and wine shops throughout Germany, some of which are organic, vegan or made according to old recipes.

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  • News Mundus Vini Nordic: The best German wines in Scandinavia 13.11.2023

    Around 50 Scandinavian jurors tasted German wines in June as part of the "Mundus Vini Nordic" competition. The German Wine Institute (DWI) organized this show in collaboration with Meininger Verlag at the Sjømagasinet restaurant in Oslo.

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  • News Wines of Germany's new internet presence 31.10.2023

    The German Wine Institute (DWI) has technically renewed its websites as well as the database and restructured the respective contents.

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  • News Fast grape harvest with good qualities and average yields 18.10.2023

    This year's grape harvest was extremely rapid was and characterised by a thorough selection of healthy grapes. 

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  • News Best wine merchants 2023 awarded 15.10.2023

    The Edelfrei GenussVinothek in Bamberg is the winner of this year's competition for the specialist trade prize, which is awarded annually by the German Wine Institute (DWI) in cooperation with the trade magazine WEIN+MARKT.

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  • News Eva Brockmann crowned as Germany's 75th Wine Queen 29.09.2023

    Eva Brockmann is the 75th German Wine Queen and comes from Franken. Jessica Himmelsbach from the Baden wine-growing region and Lea Baßler from the Pfalz region complete the Royal trio as German Wine Princesses.

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  • News The 2023 harvest is progressing rapidly 20.09.2023

    After the sunny weather at the beginning of September greatly accelerated the ripening of the grapes, the 2023 grape harvest is proceeding extremely quickly.

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  • News Main vintage started in Germany: Coming weeks decisive 05.09.2023

    In sunny late summer weather, the main grape harvest has begun these days in most German wine-growing regions with varieties such as Frühburgunder, Müller-Thurgau or Dornfelder.

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  • News Beste Müller-Thurgau-Weine prämiert 01.09.2023

    Das Deutsche Weininstitut (DWI) hat in diesem Jahr seinen Sonderpreis im Rahmen der DLG-Bundesweinprämierung 2023 für die besten Weine der oftmals unterschätzten Rebsorte Müller-Thurgau verliehen.


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  • News UK: Best wine merchants awarded 31.08.2023

    With the trade campaign "31 Days of German Riesling", the summer was all about German Riesling. In Great Britain, 125 retailers, wine bars and restaurants took part in the worldwide campaign weeks, an initiative of the German Wine Institute (DWI).

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  • News First grapes harvested for Federweißen 15.08.2023

    In the Palatinate (Pfalz), the first grapes of the year for the preparation of Federweißen were harvested on August 14 at 74 degrees Öchsle. According to the German Wine Institute (DWI), the start of this year's harvest and the general state of development of the vines are in line with the average of recent years.

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  • News German wines gain popularity in Scandinavia 31.07.2023

    Wines from German regions are finding more and more favour with Scandinavians. As the German Wine Institute (DWI) reports, based on the sales figures of the Scandinavian alcohol monopolies, the sales of German wines developed extremely positively in the first half of 2023, contrary to the general wine consumption trend.

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  • News "Riesling is one of the best wines in Hong Kong!" 28.07.2023

    During the Riesling Weeks in Hong Kong, the German Wine Queen Katrin Lang imparted valuable knowledge about German wines and travel destinations in the wine-growing regions.

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  • News Indian travel portal recommends Germany's wine regions 19.07.2023

    India's business portal for the travel industry,, recommends a visit to Germany's wine regions. "Wonderful landscapes everywhere," the authors indicate in their list of "Unmissable Travel Experiences".

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  • News Bett+Bike discount promotion for bike-friendly accommodation 19.07.2023

    For more than 28 years, the Bett+Bike certification has been a proven and well-known nationwide quality certificate of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub (ADFC). In cooperation with the German Wine Institute (DWI), Bett+Bike now offers a discounted offer to wineries.

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  • News New York Times editor raves about German wines 12.07.2023

    "Germany's wines are great. There's so much variety beyond Riesling, which is wonderful in itself. I have to publish these stories - it's on my list," says Eric Asimov, wine critic for the New York Times (NYT ).

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  • News Positive Outcome for Symposium of the Institute of Masters of Wine 03.07.2023

    Germany was the centre of the wine world for four days as host of the International Symposium of the Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW). The event welcomed 500 wine experts from 47 countries to Wiesbaden. 

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  • News IMW-Symposium: Masters of Wine visiting Germany 30.06.2023

    The four-day international symposium of the 'Institute of Masters of Wine' (IMW) with 500 wine experts from more than 40 countries began on June 29th - for the first time in Germany. In addition to the IMW, the hosts are the German Wine Institute (DWI), the capital city of Wiesbaden and the state of Hessen.

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  • News Good conditions for vine flowering in Germany 23.06.2023

    In Germany's southwest the vines have begun to flower. In cooler regions, the onset of flowering is expected within the next days.

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  • News Series of worldwide 'Riesling Weeks' in full flow 14.06.2023

    After the starting signal in Finland, the worldwide sequence of campaign weeks around Riesling & Co. will also follow in Japan in July/August. For the wine trade and gastronomy the events are popular measures to draw the attention of winelovers to German wines and their individual origin.

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  • News Record attendance at this year's Export Forum 14.06.2023

    The interest of Germany's wine industry in export is growing. This is also shown by the record participation in this year's 'Forum Export' organized by the German Wine Institute (DWI) in the largest growing region of Rheinhessen.

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  • News Premiere: Symposium of Masters of Wine (IMW) in Germany 14.06.2023

    For the first time, the International Symposium of the 'Institute of Masters of Wine (IMW)' took place in Germany. From June 29th to July 2nd, 500 wine experts from almost 40 countries met in Wiesbaden.

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  • News Successful Riesling, Pinot & Co Presentation in Prague 26.05.2023

    More than 300 Czech wine experts and guests from diplomacy and business accepted the invitation of the German Wine Institute (DWI) to the German Embassy in Prague in May. The specialist audience experienced wines from the 13 German wine-growing regions. The "Riesling, Pinot & Co" presentation was the ideal platform for some 26 wine producers.

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  • News Generation Riesling in Ireland 26.05.2023

    Ten young winegrowers of the 'Generation Riesling' traveled to Ireland in may to bring the country and the Irish people closer to German wine. In the residence of the German Ambassador Cord Meier-Klodt, they presented their wines to a top-class audience of wine specialists.

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  • News Urlaub in den Weinregionen 24.05.2023

    Wandern, Radfahren, Kanutouren - Camping, Ferienwohnung oder Hotel: Die 13 deutschen Weinregionen bieten unzählige Möglichkeiten für Freizeit- und Urlaubsaktivitäten. Insbesondere mit dem Rad durch die Anbaugebiete zu touren, ist ein beliebtes Vergnügen.

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  • News Deutsche Bahn serving modern German wines 22.05.2023

    From September 1st, travellers on long-distance Deutsche Bahn trains can look forward to a very modern selection of wines from the local winegrowing regions.

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  • News Sommeliers from all over the world visit German wine-growing regions 17.05.2023

    Germany's Sommelier Spring Class 2023 led the participants to four of 13 wine growing regions. The international group - seen as the extended arm of the gastronomy - was guided by German Wine Ambassadors as well as staff from The German Wine Institute (DWI).

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  • News Deutsche Weinkönigin eröffnet Wander-Saison 08.05.2023

    Mit rund 170 Aktionen rund um das Thema Wein-Wandern starteten die 13 deutschen Anbaugebiete am bundesweiten WeinWanderWochenende vom 29. April bis 1. Mai in eine aussichtsreiche Saison.

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  • News Amsterdam: Generation Riesling enthuses at King's Day 28.04.2023

    Young, innovative and cosmopolitan, this is how three of the 550 Generation Riesling members presented themselves to Dutch sommeliers and wine merchants at this year's "Königsdag". The Dutch people toast to King Willem-Alexander's birthday that day. 

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  • News The Guardian: Germany is the most exciting wine nation 27.04.2023

    In its issue of April 18th 2023, the internationally renowned British daily newspaper 'The Guardian' highlights Germany as the most exciting wine nation of our times. Editor David Williams describes how the international winelover community has increasingly acquired the unique taste of wines produced from berries of the Riesling vine.

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