
Rosé im Glas

Over the last few years, the quality as well as the popularity of Rosé wine and Sekt has increased immensely. In 2020, Wines of Germany takes up this trend and showcase Rosé Wines.


  • 12 %

    is the share of rosé in the wines sold in Germany

  • 9 - 13 °

    are ideal drinking temperatures

  • 2020

    presented the DWI excellent rosé wines at ProWein

How is Rosé wine made?

In order to create Rosé, the red grapes are only lightly pressed initially. The so-called mash resulting from this light pressing is then left to rest for a while, to give the pigments in the grape skin time to colour the juice. Once the grape juice has taken on the desired shade of pink, the mash is pressed fully and the rosé-coloured juice is fermented into wine.

But not every rosé-coloured wine is called “Rosé”. Sometimes, you’ll find the term “Weißherbst” on the label. Since Weißherbst, as opposed to rosé, is always a single variety wine, the grape variety used in its production also has to be mentioned on the label. However, the term Rosé is more recognized internationally.


Another rosé-coloured wine you might come across is Rotling. This is a special variety of rosé wine, produced by the joint pressing and fermentation of red and white wine grapes.

The so-called “Schillerwein” is a traditional Rotling from the wine-growing region Württemberg. No particular grape varieties are stipulated to produce Schillerwein.

Rosé wines are suitable companions at any time of the year. As a rule, they are served at a drinking temperature of 9-13 degrees centigrade, but during the warm summer months you might choose to cool them down even further, since they will warm up faster in higher ambient temperatures.


Rosé and Weißherbst wines and their sparkling varieties make for a delightful aperitif or a companion for starters such as tapas and antipasti. We also recommend them with selected fish and barbecue dishes. Since they are naturally low in fruit acids and tannins, many wine lovers also enjoy having them with Asian specialities such as curries or Thai food. Also try mild, semi-hard cheeses such as Edam or young Gouda with delicately fresh and dry rosé-coloured wines: perfect harmony.

And, naturally, Rosé and Weißherbst wines are great partners for a fresh and fruity summer punch. Have a Pinot Noir Rosé together with strawberries and marvel at a combination that will not just tickle your taste buds but also please your sense of colour.

Which grape varieties make up "Badisch Rotgold" - a type of Rotling?

By definition: A "Badisch Rotgold" is composed of Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir and as the name suggests it comes from the Baden growing region.

with apples Pork medallions

with apples

  • 8 Stück Schweinemedaillons
  • 500 Gramm Bandnudeln
  • 2 große Äpfel
  • 200 ml Sahne
  • 10 Blättchen frischer Salbei
  • 4 Zweige frischer Thymian
  • nach Geschmack Zucker
  • 3 EL Calvados
  • 1 EL Öl
  • zum Abschmecken Salz & Pfeffer

Slightly pepper and salt the medallions on both sides. Pluck the thyme, cut the sage into fine strips and roll the medallions in the herbs. Fry the meat in a pan with a little oil on both sides, not too hot, until it starts to colour. Remove from the pan and place on a preheated tray in the oven at 100 °C until cooked through.


Cook the tagliatelle al dente and keep warm.


In the meantime, peel the apples and cut into slices approx. 1.5 cm wide. Reheat the meat pan and add the apple slices. After about half a minute, sprinkle 1 teaspoon of sugar over the apples and allow them to caramelise. After a minute, deglaze the apple slices with a generous dash of Calvados and flambé. Add the cream and flavour with salt and pepper.


Remove the fillet from the oven. Add the meat juices from the oven dish to the sauce and serve the fillets with the tagliatelle, apple slices and Calvados apple sauce.


  • Riesling (trocken)

with cinnamon and sugar Odenwald apple soufflé

with cinnamon and sugar

  • 1 kg Äpfel
  • 250 Gramm Semmelbrösel
  • 125 Gramm Zucker
  • 2 EL Butter
  • 1/2 TL Zimt
  • 1 Msp. gemahlene Nelken
  • 50 Gramm Rosinen
  • 100 ml trockener Weißwein
  • 1 EL Rum
  • zum Bestreuen Zimt & Zucker

Sauté the breadcrumbs, butter, spices and 2 tbsp sugar in a pan. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Sauté in white wine with rum and sugar until the liquid has almost evaporated.



<p>Fill the greased springform tin alternately with the breadcrumb mixture and apples (bottom and top layer of breadcrumb mixture).


Bake for one ½ hour at 140 °C. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

  • Riesling (lieblich)

with wild mushrooms Cream of potato soup

with wild mushrooms

  • 300 Gramm geschälte Kartoffeln
  • 100 Gramm Wurzelgemüse
  • 100 Gramm Waldpilze
  • 1 ganze Zwiebel
  • 1 ganze Knoblauchzehe
  • 30 Gramm Speckwürfel
  • 40 Gramm Margarine
  • 750 ml Brühe
  • 200 ml Sahne
  • 1 Zweig Thymian
  • nach Belieben Petersilie, Butter, Salz, Pfeffer, Muskat

Clean, wash and finely dice the root vegetables. Finely dice the onion and garlic clove and finely chop the thyme. Sauté the diced bacon with the margarine in a pan until lightly browned, add the diced onion, garlic, root vegetables and thyme. Sauté, add the stock and cook for 2 minutes.

Finely grate the potatoes, add to the soup and cook for a further 5 minutes, add the cream, season and flavour. Clean, wash and chop the mushrooms and sauté in a pan with butter. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour over the soup when serving.

  • Riesling (trocken)
  • Riesling (halbtrocken & feinherb)

with pears, beans, parsley root and black walnuts Venison medallions

with pears, beans, parsley root and black walnuts

  • 12 Stück Rehmedaillions (a 80g)
  • 30 Gramm gebratene Speckstreifen
  • 200 ml Bechamelsauce
  • 3 EL Sonnenblumenöl
  • 8 kleine Petersilienwurzeln mit Grün (alternativ Knollensellerie)
  • 6 - 8 breite Schnippelbohnen
  • 1 große Birne
  • 4 - 6 schwarze Walnüsse
  • 100 ml Wildfond
  • 2 EL Butter
  • 2 Stängel glatte Petersilie
  • nach Geschmack Salz

Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat. Clean, peel and trim the parsley roots. Clean the beans and cut into diagonal pieces. Blanch the parsley roots and beans separately in boiling salted water and rinse immediately in iced water.


Cut the walnuts into eighths and warm in the game stock. Wash the unpeeled pear, cut into eighths, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Fry the venison medallions on both sides in oil, then finish cooking in the oven for approx. 3 - 5 minutes.


In the meantime, toss the beans and parsley roots in melted butter and season with salt. Arrange the vegetables with the black walnuts and pear slices on large plates. Place the medallions on top, garnish with game stock, Béchamel sauce and bacon strips.


Tip: You can make your own black walnuts. To do this, prick the walnuts all over with a fork or skewer and place in water for 10 days. Change the water every day so that the tannic acid can drain off. Boil the nuts 3 times in salted water until they are deep black. Simmer with bay leaves and peppercorns for approx. 20 minutes until soft. Layer in preserving jars and cover with syrup. The nuts can be kept for approx. 1 year.

  • Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir (trocken)
  • Grauburgunder / Pinot Gris (trocken)