Chocolate & Wine

Wein und Bitterschokolade

Silky finish, incomparable sweetness, fine spices - wine or chocolate? Both can be described very well with these enjoyable attributes. And because these flavor components not only harmonize very well with each other in terms of taste, but even enhance each other, the combination of chocolate and wine promises completely new pleasurable experiences - you will simply melt away!


  • 1544

    was the first time, when chocolate was drunk at the Spanish court

  • 1,93 Euro

    costs a kilogram of cocoa beans

  • 48 %

    cocoa mass is founded in dark chocolate

The Chocolate Side of Wine

For a long time, the combination of chocolate and wine was considered incompatible. Admittedly, harmonious combinations of dry, fresh white wine with the melting and sweetness of chocolate are rather rare. The troublemaker in this relationship is the acidity of the wine, which can be pointed and dissonant in such a pairing.

Real Seduction Artists
But the liaison of chocolate with the melting and lush power of a noble sweet wine such as a Beerenauslese or even a Trockenbeerenauslese is truly seductive. Red wines are also a welcome companion to chocolate. Basically, the sweeter the chocolate, the sweeter and milder the acidity of the wine should be, so that the delicate balance is maintained.

A little gourmet tip from chocolate maker Eberhard Schell: Initially, you should taste the wine on its own. Then melt the chocolate in your mouth and sip the wine again. And then: just enjoy! Another sip of wine enhances the taste experience.

Chocolate is looking for Wine

Milk chocolate impresses with its silky finish and mild sweetness. Milk chocolates with a cocoa content of 32 to 49 percent harmonize perfectly with strong white wines from the Pinot family, but also with Riesling. The wines should also have a melty, creaminess, a subtle acidity and fine fruit notes. Mild Auslesen made from Riesling or Pinot Gris grapes, for example, are a good match. When it comes to red wine, varieties such as Lemberger, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot or Cuvées, that are low in tannins but can have a light vanilla note, are suitable.

Dark chocolates with 55 to 75 percent cocoa are wonderfully combined with fruity wines that bring some residual sweetness. Even sweet wines and fruity red wines like to enter into a liaison with these semi-sweet dark chocolate types, especially if they contain fruit.

Lovers of dark bitter chocolate containing up to 85 percent cocoa, swear by the pairing with dense, expressive red wines with smooth, but clearly perceptible tannins: dry Dornfelder and Lemberger, aged in barrels or wooden barrels, result in a wonderful balance with bitter chocolate.

A "Dream Wedding in White" - comes to mind if you let white chocolate melt on your tongue together with a fine fruity Riesling ice wine. The harmonic play arises here through the sweetness and finesse in both the wine and the chocolate.

No Problem when Choosing a Partner

Regardless of whether the chocolate is whole milk, dark bitter or nut: an aromatic wine goes with almost every sort. Particularly harmonious are Traminer, Muskateller and Scheurebe.

Chocolate maker Eberhard Schell: "Aromatic varities such as Traminer, Muskateller and Scheurebe combined with the right chocolate, achieve the best possible taste."

Eberhard Schell, Schell Chocolate Manufacturer


How does the wine get a chocolate touch?

Like vanilla or tobacco aromas, chocolate notes are usually created by aging and maturing the wine in barrique barrels. Among other things, roasted aromas are responsible for this, which arise from the toasting of the wood and are reminiscent of roasted cocoa beans.

More recipe ideas

with goat's cheese Courgette and chanterelle salad

with goat's cheese

  • 2 ganze Zucchini
  • 3 EL Rapsöl
  • 1 kleine Schalotte
  • 300 Gramm Pfifferlinge
  • 1 Msp. gemahlener Piment
  • 2 Bund Rucola
  • je 1/2 Bund Kerbel u. glatte Petersilie
  • je 3 EL Walnuss- u. Rapsöl
  • 4 Stück Ziegenkäse-Taler
  • 1 Prise Zucker
  • nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer


Wash the courgettes and slice thinly. Place in a bowl and mix with the oil.


Heat a grill pan and fry the courgettes in batches until golden brown. Season with salt and pepper, place in a bowl.



<p>Peel and finely dice the shallot. Clean the chanterelles, wash if necessary and pat dry. Depending on size, cut in half if necessary.



<p>Sauté the shallot in a pan until translucent. Add the chanterelles and fry vigorously for 3 minutes while stirring. Season with salt, pepper and allspice. Add to the courgettes. Wash the rocket and spin dry.



Wash the herbs, shake dry. Pluck the leaves, blend finely with both types of oil and vinegar in a blender or with a hand blender. Flavour with salt, pepper and sugar. Pour over the courgette and chanterelle mix and mix loosely with the rocket. Arrange on plates, sprinkle with goat's cheese.

  • Pinot Blanc (trocken)

Light and fluffy: cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit Cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit

An airy cashew coconut mousse with passion fruit

  • 400g Cashewkerne
  • 400ml Haferdrink
  • 6EL Agavendicksaft
  • 6EL Kokosflocken
  • 4 Passionsfrüchte
  • 1 Prise Vanille

Place the cashews in a container and add enough water to cover the cashews sufficiently. Place the cashews in the fridge to soak overnight.

(With a high-performance blender, 3-4 hours is also sufficient.)


Drain the water and place the cashews in the blender with the oat milk, agave syrup and coconut flakes. Add the vanilla and blend until the mousse is creamy and no longer contains any chunks.



<p>Divide the mousse between four glasses. Halve the passion fruit, scrape out the flesh with a teaspoon and place on top of the mousse. Decorate with coconut flakes.

  • Pinot Blanc (süß & edelsüß)
  • Riesling (süß & edelsüß)

White asparagus with pancake strips Asparagus with "Kratzete"

White asparagus with pancake strips and champagne butter sauce.

  • 1kg Weißer Spargel
  • 200g Mehl
  • 4 Eier
  • 150ml Milch
  • 1TL Butterschmalz zum Braten
  • 2EL Butter
  • 1 Zitrone
  • 1 Prise Zucker
  • 1-3 Schnittlauchröllchen zum Garnieren
  • 1 Für die Soße:
  • 150g Butter
  • 50ml Sahne
  • 50ml Sekt
  • etwas Salz und Pfeffer

Mix the flour with the eggs, milk and a pinch of salt to make a smooth pancake batter. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.


In the meantime, peel the asparagus and cook in salted water with 2 tbsp butter and a pinch of sugar until al dente. Drain well and keep warm.



<p>Pour the pancake batter in batches into hot clarified butter

pour into hot clarified butter. When the underside is browned, use a fork to scrape into pieces. Finish frying until the pieces are golden yellow.


For the champagne-butter sauce, bring the cream to the boil, reduce slightly and stir in the cold pieces of butter (walnut-sized). Add the sparkling wine and season to taste with salt and pepper.



<p>Arrange the asparagus on pre-warmed plates. Add the kratzete, drizzle with the sauce and garnish with chives.



<p>Wine recommendation:


A mild and dry Gutedel or a delicate Kabinett wine from Riesling or Pinot Blanc.

  • Gutedel (trocken)
  • Riesling (brut)
  • Grauburgunder / Pinot Gris (brut nature)

with strong red wine Wild boar ragout

with strong red wine

  • 800 Gramm Fleisch vom Wildschwein (Keule o. Schulter)
  • 80 Gramm Bauchspeck
  • 100 Gramm Zwiebeln
  • 60 Gramm Karotten
  • 60 Gramm Staudensellerie
  • 1 TL Tomatenmark
  • 200 ml kräftigen Rotwein
  • 100 ml Portwein
  • 1 Liter braune Wildbrühe
  • 1 TL Preiselbeeren
  • 1 EL geschlagene Sahne o. Sauerrahm
  • 20 Gramm Mehl
  • 1 Stück Lorbeerblatt
  • je 1 Zweig Rosmarin und Thymian
  • 4 zerdrückte Wacholderbeeren
  • 1/2 TL Senf
  • nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer

Clean and wash the vegetables and cut into evenly sized cubes.


Remove the fat, skin and tendons from the wild boar meat and cut into 3 cm cubes. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the meat on all sides. Add the vegetables and diced bacon and fry. Add the tomato purée and stir fry. Deglaze with the red wine and port, reduce and pour in the brown game stock. Add the spices to the meat in a small spice bag and leave the ragout to simmer in the oven at 160°C for approx. 1½ hours.


Then remove the pieces of meat, remove the spices, strain the sauce, add the cranberries and mustard and leave to reduce for about 15 minutes. If necessary, thicken with a little cornflour. Serve with the whipped cream.

  • Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir (trocken)