Alcohol-free Wine

Alcohol-free still and sparkling wines are on trend. Even though they comprise one of the smallest segments in the wine scene as a niche product, demand and supply are steadily growing.


  • < 1%

    Market share

  • 15%


  • < 0,5 % vol.


Do alcohol-free wines taste good?

Some respondents to a DWI-commissioned study by Nielsen said they did not even want to test alcohol-free wines, although they had never tried it before. The perception that alcohol-free wines do not have a good taste may well be justified in view of the earlier methods of production.

Production of non-alcoholic wines: then and now

Alcohol-free wines are created by removing alcohol from a finished wine. Previously this was done at elevated temperatures, which destroyed the aromas and lost the complexity of the fruit. Today the processes are designed to conserve the aromas, for example vacuum distillation, which work even at low temperatures. With such new production methods and the preservation of the aromas, the taste of the non-alcoholic products has improved significantly.

Compensating for the loss of alcohol

Aromatic varieties such as Sauvignon Blanc or Gewürztraminer are often used as base wines. They provide an intense aroma, which compensates for the lack of alcohol in the wine. In this context, residual sweetness is also often used to compensate. This is because alcohol is an important flavor carrier in wine, just like fat is in food. In the case of non-alcoholic sparkling wines, carbon dioxide is primarily used for compensation.

Why is the demand increasing?

Health-conscious enjoyment and a balanced lifestyle are much more present today than in the past, which further increases the demand for low- and no-alcohol alternatives. The fact that these products often contain significantly fewer calories also plays a role. Despite their niche status, alcohol-free wines are increasingly in demand. Those who want to consciously avoid alcohol but enjoy the flavours of wine, have found a satisfying alternative with alcohol-free still and sparkling wines.

News: New study on the Consumption of Alcohol-free Wines

What is the market share of dealcoholized sparkling wine ?

The market share of dealcoholized sparkling wine is 5%.

with semi-frozen goat's milk Lavender waffles

with semi-frozen goat's milk

  • 2 Stück Eigelb
  • 60 ml Ziegenmilch
  • 500 Gramm weiße Kuvertüre
  • 125 ml Sahne
  • Abrieb und Saft einer halben Orange
  • 2 cl Tresterbrand
  • 8 Blatt Minze
  • 125 Gramm Mehl

Semi-frozen goat's milk: Beat the egg yolks and goat's milk in a bowl over a hot bain-marie until creamy. Remove from the bain-marie and beat the cream until cold. Flavour with the zest of the orange and the marc brandy.


Liquefy the couverture in a bain-marie and stir into the lukewarm egg mixture. Whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold in. Line a parfait tin (triangular or gutter shape) with cling film. Pour in the mixture and smooth out. Cover well with cling film and leave to freeze in the freezer for at least 8 hours.


About 20 minutes before serving, remove the mould from the freezer and turn the parfait out of the mould. Remove the foil and cut the semi-frozen parfait into 8 slices.



<p>Lavender wafers: Lightly mash the butter in a mixing bowl with a fork. Add the sugar and stir a little. Add half of the milk, the lavender sugar and the baking powder. Stir in the eggs and finally the rest of the milk. Mix everything well with a hand mixer for about 2 minutes to create a homogeneous, slightly liquid mixture. Bake the batter in batches in a waffle iron until golden brown.</p


<p>Arrange 2 slices of semifreddo on each waffle on a flat plate and decorate with mint leaves.

  • Riesling (halbtrocken & feinherb)

Japanese hollandaise succeeds with wasabi paste Salmon with Japanese hollandaise and green asparagus

Combine salmon with hollandaise and asparagus with a dry Riesling.

  • 4x 150g Lachsfilet mit Haut
  • 1 Limette
  • 2 Zehen Knoblauch
  • 4 EL Honig
  • 10 EL Sojasauce
  • 200g Butter
  • 4 Eier
  • 1 EL Joghurt
  • 2 EL Reisessig
  • 2 EL Wasabipaste
  • 500 g Grüner Spargel

For the marinade, finely chop the garlic first. Wash the lime in hot water, grate the zest and squeeze out the juice and bring everything to the boil with the honey and soya sauce. Put to one side.


Now prepare the Japanese hollandaise: Bring 180g butter to the boil. Place the egg yolks, yoghurt, rice vinegar, wasabi paste and a pinch of salt in a tall measuring jug and mix with a hand blender. Gradually mix the boiling (!) butter into the egg yolks using a hand blender. Season the hollandaise with salt and pepper to taste and keep the measuring jug warm in hot water.


Peel the bottom third of 500 g green asparagus and cut off the ends. Melt 1 tbsp butter in a large pan. Add the asparagus to the pan, pour in 50 ml water and season with salt and pepper. Cover and bring to the boil briefly.


Fry the salmon fillets on the skin side in a little oil for about 4 minutes. Turn the salmon and fry for a further 2 minutes. Then turn again and baste with the marinade. Remove the salmon from the pan and reduce the marinade until thick. Brush the salmon with it. Serve the salmon with the hollandaise and asparagus. Enjoy your meal!


Wine recommendation:


WINE TIP: Dry Rielsing

  • Riesling (trocken)

with cinnamon and sugar Odenwald apple soufflé

with cinnamon and sugar

  • 1 kg Äpfel
  • 250 Gramm Semmelbrösel
  • 125 Gramm Zucker
  • 2 EL Butter
  • 1/2 TL Zimt
  • 1 Msp. gemahlene Nelken
  • 50 Gramm Rosinen
  • 100 ml trockener Weißwein
  • 1 EL Rum
  • zum Bestreuen Zimt & Zucker

Sauté the breadcrumbs, butter, spices and 2 tbsp sugar in a pan. Peel the apples and cut into slices. Sauté in white wine with rum and sugar until the liquid has almost evaporated.



<p>Fill the greased springform tin alternately with the breadcrumb mixture and apples (bottom and top layer of breadcrumb mixture).


Bake for one ½ hour at 140 °C. Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

  • Riesling (lieblich)

the "Frankfurt Green Sauce" Quiche with herbs

the "Frankfurt Green Sauce"

  • 200 Gramm Mehl
  • 100 Gramm Butter
  • je 1 Bund Kräuter für Frankfurter Grüne Sauce (Petersilie, Kresse, Kerbel, Borretsch, Sauerampfer, Schnittlauch, Pimpernelle)
  • 100 - 125 Gramm Schwarzwälder Schinken
  • 7 ganze Eier
  • 125 ml Sahne
  • 100 Gramm Frischkäse
  • 1 EL Zitronensaft
  • nach Geschmack Salz & Pfeffer

Knead the flour and butter with 4 tbsp water and a teaspoon of salt to form a smooth dough. Line a mould with it and leave to cool for 30 minutes.</p


<p>Hard boil 4 eggs. Wash, drain and finely chop the herbs from the Frankfurt green sauce. Cut the ham into wafer-thin slices and spread on the pastry base. Chop the hard-boiled eggs into small

and spread over the top. Mix the 3 eggs, cream and fresh cheese and season with 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt and pepper, then fold in the herbs. Spread the mixture over the pastry base.


Bake at 180 °C (gas mark 4) on the middle shelf of the oven for about 30 minutes.

  • Riesling (trocken)