
Secco can be a light alternative to sparkling wine whenever you feel like celebrating with others.


  • 6 - 8° degrees

    are ideal drinking temperatures

  • < 35 g/l

    of residual sugar is considered as "dry"

  • 1 - 2,5 bar


With relatively low alcohol, a Secco is recommended as an ideal summer aperitif, which does not put as much strain on the body even in hot temperatures. Served cool at around 6-8 ° C, it is particularly refreshing. Seccos are now part of the standard repertoire for many German winegrowers.

How is Secco different

According to German Wine Law, semi-sparkling wine is defined as wine which has an excess of carbon dioxide compared to still wines. While most of the CO2 escapes during the fermentation of grape must to wine, for the preparation of high-quality Seccos, this is captured and put back into the wine after fermentation.

If CO2 from sources other than the wine itself are added, then it must be declared as "semi-sparkling wine with added carbon dioxide." This carbonation method is only used in the simplest semi-sparkling wines. Seccos have only 1 to 2.5 bar pressure, while sparkling wine contains at least 3, and up to 6, bar of carbonic acid pressure. An important distinction between seccos and sekt, or sparkling wine, is that in the latter, the CO2 comes from a second fermentation.

Seccos don’t need to use a wire cage (muselet) over the cork, like with sparkling wine, but are mostly closed with either a screw cap or a cork with foil or string.

Levels of sweetness for semi-sparkling wines

    Dry: up to 35 g / liter residual sugar content
    Semi-dry: 33 - 50 g / liter residual sugar content
    Mild: > 50 g / liter residual sugar

Is Secco the same as Prosecco?

No! Prosecco comes from Italy, is pressed from the Glera grape variety and may only be produced in the DOC Prosecco. It is available as sparkling, semi-sparkling and still wine. Meanwhile in Germany, Secco is a sparkling wine with technically added carbon dioxide.

More recipe ideas

with pumpkin and white wine sauce Pasta with pumpkin and white wine sauce

with pumpkin and white wine sauce

  • 750 Gramm Butternut-Kürbis(se)
  • 3 kleine Zwiebeln
  • 2 Zehen Knoblauch
  • 1 Becher Crème fraîche
  • 250 ml trockener Weißwein
  • 500 ml Gemüsebrühe
  • 25 Gramm Parmesan oder ähnlicher Hartkäse
  • 400 Gramm Spaghetti oder andere Nudeln
  • nach Geschmack Salz, Pfeffer, Zucker
  • 4 EL Kürbiskerne, evtl. gehackt
  • nach Belieben Muskat, Thymian

Sauté the garlic and onions until translucent. Dice the butternut squash and add, season with pepper and sugar. When the cubes are still firm, pour in the white wine and vegetable stock. Continue cooking until the squash is firm to the bite.


In the meantime, cook and drain the pasta.


Add the thyme, nutmeg, salt and crème fraîche to the boiling pumpkin, bring to the boil and thicken. Stir in the parmesan and season to taste. You can also crush some diced pumpkin to make the sauce sweeter.


Arrange the pasta on plates and top with the pumpkin sauce.

Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds.

  • Scheurebe (trocken)

Asparagus harmonises perfectly with Silvaner Roasted asparagus with wild garlic and ribbon noodles

Roasted asparagus with wild garlic and ribbon noodles goes perfectly with Silvaner.

  • 1kg weißer Spargel
  • 1kg grüner Spargel
  • 200g Butter
  • 1 TL Zucker
  • 2-4 EL Walnussöl
  • 600g Tagliatelle
  • 1 Prise Salz und Pfeffer
  • 200 ml Schlagsahne
  • 1 Spritzer Zitronensaft
  • 8 Bärlauchblätter



Peel the asparagus (green asparagus only in the lower third), cut off the ends. Cut each spear in half lengthways and cut the halves in half. Cut the halves into 3 – 5 cm long pieces.


Heat the butter in a large pan, add the sugar. Caramelise briefly. Add the oil and asparagus and cook over a medium heat for approx. 10 mins. until al dente, tossing occasionally.


In the meantime, cook the tagliatelle in boiling salted water according to the pack instructions until al dente.


Pour the cream into the asparagus and reduce until creamy. Season the asparagus with salt, pepper and lemon juice.


Rinse the pasta, drain and mix with the asparagus. Cut the spring onions into strips and fold in.


Wine recommendation:


Silvaner Spätlese dry

  • Silvaner (trocken)

with pears, beans, parsley root and black walnuts Venison medallions

with pears, beans, parsley root and black walnuts

  • 12 Stück Rehmedaillions (a 80g)
  • 30 Gramm gebratene Speckstreifen
  • 200 ml Bechamelsauce
  • 3 EL Sonnenblumenöl
  • 8 kleine Petersilienwurzeln mit Grün (alternativ Knollensellerie)
  • 6 - 8 breite Schnippelbohnen
  • 1 große Birne
  • 4 - 6 schwarze Walnüsse
  • 100 ml Wildfond
  • 2 EL Butter
  • 2 Stängel glatte Petersilie
  • nach Geschmack Salz

Preheat the oven to 180 °C top and bottom heat. Clean, peel and trim the parsley roots. Clean the beans and cut into diagonal pieces. Blanch the parsley roots and beans separately in boiling salted water and rinse immediately in iced water.


Cut the walnuts into eighths and warm in the game stock. Wash the unpeeled pear, cut into eighths, remove the core and cut into thin slices. Fry the venison medallions on both sides in oil, then finish cooking in the oven for approx. 3 - 5 minutes.


In the meantime, toss the beans and parsley roots in melted butter and season with salt. Arrange the vegetables with the black walnuts and pear slices on large plates. Place the medallions on top, garnish with game stock, Béchamel sauce and bacon strips.


Tip: You can make your own black walnuts. To do this, prick the walnuts all over with a fork or skewer and place in water for 10 days. Change the water every day so that the tannic acid can drain off. Boil the nuts 3 times in salted water until they are deep black. Simmer with bay leaves and peppercorns for approx. 20 minutes until soft. Layer in preserving jars and cover with syrup. The nuts can be kept for approx. 1 year.

  • Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir (trocken)
  • Grauburgunder / Pinot Gris (trocken)

with strong red wine Wild boar ragout

with strong red wine

  • 800 Gramm Fleisch vom Wildschwein (Keule o. Schulter)
  • 80 Gramm Bauchspeck
  • 100 Gramm Zwiebeln
  • 60 Gramm Karotten
  • 60 Gramm Staudensellerie
  • 1 TL Tomatenmark
  • 200 ml kräftigen Rotwein
  • 100 ml Portwein
  • 1 Liter braune Wildbrühe
  • 1 TL Preiselbeeren
  • 1 EL geschlagene Sahne o. Sauerrahm
  • 20 Gramm Mehl
  • 1 Stück Lorbeerblatt
  • je 1 Zweig Rosmarin und Thymian
  • 4 zerdrückte Wacholderbeeren
  • 1/2 TL Senf
  • nach Belieben Salz & Pfeffer

Clean and wash the vegetables and cut into evenly sized cubes.


Remove the fat, skin and tendons from the wild boar meat and cut into 3 cm cubes. Season with salt and pepper and sprinkle with flour. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the meat on all sides. Add the vegetables and diced bacon and fry. Add the tomato purée and stir fry. Deglaze with the red wine and port, reduce and pour in the brown game stock. Add the spices to the meat in a small spice bag and leave the ragout to simmer in the oven at 160°C for approx. 1½ hours.


Then remove the pieces of meat, remove the spices, strain the sauce, add the cranberries and mustard and leave to reduce for about 15 minutes. If necessary, thicken with a little cornflour. Serve with the whipped cream.

  • Spätburgunder / Pinot Noir (trocken)