Bett+Bike discount promotion for bike-friendly accommodation


For more than 28 years, the Bett+Bike certification has been a proven and well-known nationwide quality certificate of the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub (ADFC). In cooperation with the German Wine Institute (DWI), Bett+Bike now offers a discounted offer to wineries.

  • DWI Current

Cooperation between DWI and Bett+Bike

On its website, the DWI already lists wineries that welcome bicycle guests (Winery Search: Offers -> Radreisende willkommen). Bett+Bike certified establishments are also marked separately and can be searched for specifically (Winery Search: Memberships -> Bett+Bike). When choosing their accommodation, more and more bicycle guests are looking for accredited hosts where they can rely on certified bicycle-friendly service. If you want to benefit from this target group as a host, you can do so with the certified Bett+Bike certificate.

Discount for wine producers

All wineries that decide as of now to apply for the "Bett+Bike" certificate of the ADFC and register with Bett+Bike in the period from 01.08.2023 to 31.12.2023 with the keyword "German Wine Institute 2023" will receive a discount of 30% on the admission fee.

Accredited guest establishments reach target group-specific sales channels with the certificate and have competitive advantages due to their guaranteed high-quality offer for bicycle guests. In addition, certifications create trust with the end customer, promote guest satisfaction and offer flexibility in the pricing of the hosts.

For more information and registration forms, visit the bett+bike website.

Contact and application:

Beate Heiting

Bett+Bike Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland

ADFC Hessen

Löwengasse 27A, 60385 Frankfurt am Main

Telephone: 069 956 3460 44

E-Mail: hessen(at)bettundbike(dot)de


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