Warsaw: Trends on the Polish wine market


"Cheers Warsaw!" was the motto at this year's "Riesling, Pinot & Co." event in the Polish Capital city, where twenty German wine producers and nine Polish importers met around 180 journalists, sommeliers and buyers in April.

  • DWI Current

To start with, Lars Daniels (Master Vini) opened up new perspectives on the wines from the 13 German wine-growing regions with the presentation of Burgundy varieties, Silvaner and Co. in the master class “The Others”.

It quickly became clear that Germany had a lot of exciting things to offer in addition to Riesling. At the evening event Germany's wine producers then made contacts with retailers and restaurants over a glass of wine - and were very satisfied with in depth business talks.

Trends: Sekt, organic and rosé wines

With the products they presented, the exhibitors met the current trends on the Polish wine market, where wines, especially of European origin, are doing well. The demand for sparkling wines continues to grow, both in terms of value and volume.

In the largest category, still wines, red wine continues to dominate, but the proportion of white wines is steadily increasing. As in Germany, a shop shelf or a wine list in Poland is now hardly imaginable without non-alcoholic wines.

Niche products are increasingly en vogue

In addition, the event showed once again that organic and natural wines have established themselves among consumers and in Poland's gastronomy. Environmental aspects are also taken into account when selecting matching wines. Younger consumers in particular are interested in orange wine, which is still considered a niche wine - a trend that will probably continue.

In addition, rosé wines are enjoying increasing popularity: They have undergone a change in image and are becoming more and more appreciated as high-quality wines.

The pleasing development offers a good basis for the Riesling Weeks in Poland: in June, Polish importers, restaurateurs and wine bars will be presenting numerous campaigns for end consumers relating to wines from Germany.

Wines of Germany - in Poland

Instagram: @winesofgermanypoland

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